5 Things Every University Student MUST Know!

5 Things Every University Student MUST Know!

University students become extremely vulnerable at the hands of the prevalent structure of evaluation, exams and overall authority structure and their own corresponding ignorance about the rights that have been endowed upon them by the State. This ignorance among the students leads to them being clueless when it comes to knowing matters that concern them or getting the rightful answers.

It is important that every student is aware of the laws that empower them to act appropriately and adequately against this exploitation. Here, are 5 things you should know if you are going to start University soon or you are already a University student.

5 things you should know if you are going to start University soon or you are already a University student

1. Laws that Empower Students to Ask Questions

RTI or the Right to Information Act was passed in the year 2005 in the Parliament. The Act has made sure that the citizens of India have easy access to information which was under the domain of public authorities. So…. you may ask, but how does that matter to a student?

Well it is a very important tool for university students can use the power of RTI to obtain information from State and Central government-run universities for various issues they may face ranging from

delayed marksheets, re-evaluation of papers, ascertaining the authenticity of the universities and the degrees given by them.

2. You cansee your answersheet copies!

Students are often under the impression that there is not much they can do when they have secured less marks than they anticipated. The only option they think of is to apply for revaluation and wait for the results. But actually if they do not get a satisfactory response in that, they can still demand a copy of their answer booklets.

Prior to 2005, very little or nothing could be done to help the student in such a case however things have changed in the favour of the students and now a student can acquire a copy of his answer booklet by filing an RTI or Right to Information by invoking the Section 6 of RTI Act for the exams.

3. You canget your mark sheet/ degrees verified

If you are having second thoughts about the authenticity of your mark sheet or degree certificate, you can ask for the verification of the same by invoking the Right to Information Act.

4. You canact against delayed Scholarship

Universities often award students who fulfil certain criteria with scholarships that act as a useful for the students. Sometimes the students have to struggle at the hands of mismanagement and other factors to obtain the money they are entitled to receive. Even in this case, the student can question the authorities in charge about the delay by means of an RTI.

5. Filing an RTI is easier than you think

Filing an RTI can be a tedious and complicated task as it involves a lot of work and time which is impossible for a university student to set aside due to their packed schedule. Or…. so you think!

Now well, yeah. It is complicated because it is often at the risk of rejection at the hands of the Public Information Officer who may not spare even the slightest mistake in the application, be it the format, the correct office being addressed, the correct type of question being asked etc.

But then it doesn’t have to be so complicated. You can just file and RTI for any query you have without even leaving the comfort of your home. What’s more is that you don’t even have to worry about whom to send it to, what to write, what to ask.

Just fill the info in a simple form and let someone do it for you….

Sounds cool, right?

This is true. Onlinerti.com, is what makes all that possible. Just to fill in a simple form and submit. On successful submission, our team of RTI experts will get in touch with you over a phone call and understand your concerns and queries.

Once that is done, we will draft the RTI on your behalf, send it to the concerned authority and they will reply directly to you. All this while you can track the entire process on our portal as well. That’s is as simple and cool as it gets, doesn’t it?

So, got a query you would like to get an answer to? Apply now!


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