Maharashtra Right to Education (RTE) Application Procedure
Mahendra Pal is a farmer in rural Maharashtra. His son is 4 years old and presently going to school under the RTE act.
Mahendra is from the minority class, and hence, was worried about his child’s education. Like most villagers in India living below the poverty level, he too had financial issues. Then, someone from his community told him about the RTE Act and he visited the concerned Government office regarding the process. But, being uneducated, he was getting confused, and so, the local school teacher suggested that he talk to OnlineRTI about his problems.
What We Did for Him?
Our constitution experts are aware of the hurdles that a simple villager can face in understanding the detailed rules of the government. We tried our best to explain things to Mr. Pal and gave him all information in details.
- RTE Rule applicable in Maharashtra
Sec 3(2) No child shall be liable to pay any kind of fee or charge or bear expense which may prevent him or her from pursuing or completing elementary education
Mah State G R dated April 18, 2013; District level flying squad for monitoring RTE Implementation
3(3) [(3) A child with disability referred to in sub-clause (A) of clause (ee) of section 2 shall, without
prejudice to the provisions of the Persons with Disabilities have the same rights to pursue free and compulsory elementary education.
- The Maharashtra Right to Education (RTE) Application Procedure
Admission to 1st Standard
Last date for admission: February 25th
We told him that as per the latest reports from media, the last date to submit the application form is different in Sindhudurg, Parbhani, and Mumbai. However, no proper information is available regarding this other than what the last date (February 25) has been mentioned earlier in this article.
According to reports from NDTV, over a lakh applications have been submitted till date and the number is increasing. The total number of seats available is 1, 20,000.
We helped him to visit the online site ( to apply for the admission process and informed him that the entire application process is carried out through the online portal.
Once applied, you need to visit the website frequently for getting an update on the declaration of the results (done through lottery drawing process) and also the date for the admission process. All the information will be uploaded on the official website shortly after the last date of application process.
The website also features details of all the schools that fall under the RTE Maharashtra quota. Applicants can easily check the same.
Our professionals made sure he knew the process for application
Open the website on your web browser
Once the website opens, click the link/tab that reads 'Online Application'
A form will open before you. Fill it up carefully, as per the requirement
Be careful while giving your address. Make sure that you write it accurately. This is crucial to list all the available schools within a maximum of 3 Km range from your house. Locate your address accurately to list schools within 1-3 km range of your house.
Now, in the form, there will be a section that reads STANDARD. You need to select the required standard (class) where your kid needs to be admitted.
Next in line is the requirement to upload all the necessary documents according to the prescribed format. This is the last stage.
Once you upload the documents, there is nothing more left to do other than clicking the SUBMIT button.
After clicking the SUBMIT button, take a printout of it for future reference.
- List of documents that need to be uploaded
Disability certificate (if applicable)
Address proof
Family earning/income certificate
Birth certificate
Caste certificate - List of schools covered under the Maharashtra RTE rule (Mumbai Region)
More and more schools are showing interest in the RTE Maharashtra Information Act. Although the total percentage of seats under the act is only 22% at present, the number of schools is increasing. Presently, there are 128 schools alone in Mumbai under the RTE Act. - RIGHT OF TRANSFER TO OTHER SCHOOL
If in a school, there happens to be no provision for completing the elementary education, a student has the right to seek transfer to any other school (under certain terms and conditions). The student can take transfer within the state or even outside (to schools that fall under the RTE scheme) to complete his/her elementary education.
As per the RTE Act of Maharashtra, there is a 25% reservation of seats for the socially and economically backward section of the society. The reservation is primarily for non-minority and unaided schools. Also remember, the free-of-cost education is offered by the government till the 8th standard (class 8). Once the admission procedure is successfully completed, the tuition fee gets reimbursed to the school (where admitted).
The website,, must be followed frequently to get updated on the latest news and information regarding the RTE schemes.
If you know anyone who is looking to educate his or her child under the RTE Act, tell them about us and we will do our best to lend assistance.